We Are Graduating Now

We Are Graduating Now

We are graduating now, and
Things are coming to an end.
We appreciate our teachers,
And we’ll never lose a friend.
We will remember what we learned here,
We will remember everything.
And when we are gone from this place,
To our memories we’ll cling.

Education is the best thing
That we ever will possess.
We will use what our school taught us
To achieve our own success.
We are connected to our friends and school,
We are connected to it all.
When we think about our school days,
Only good things we’ll recall.

So goodbye now to our school days,
To the children we once were.
All the things we thought and did here
Will become a pleasant blur.
We say hello now to our future,
We say hello to what will be.
We all have what we all need; our
Education sets us free.

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