The Tyrants

The Tyrants

The tyrants are on the loose again,
They hate all but their own.
They give their lives to kill us,
To scatter our blood and bone.

They care not whom they murder,
Whether woman, man or child,
Their minds are full of fury,
Their sickness has gone wild.

To rule the world with violence
Is their one and only goal,
Terror is their method,
They want complete control.

We’ve seen it all before,
And we could not let it be,
We gave our lives for freedom,
For the world, and for you and me.

We fight all forms of oppression,
Helping victims far and near,
To keep the world from chaos,
To protect what we hold dear.

America’s the only country
That gives with its whole heart,
And asks so very little,
We always do our part.

So let’s unite again
To subdue our newest foe,
Whatever we must do,
Wherever we must go.

Let’s show the world once more
That America is blessed
With people who are heroes,
Who meet each and every test.

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